Push to Safeguard Parks & Open Spaces
Playsafe Playgrounds fully endorses the push to safeguard parks and play spaces in January 2016’s edition of Landscape & Amenity publication.
‘New benchmark guidelines for design of spaces for outdoor sport and play hace been published and the latest research reveals that UK families are concerned that their children may soon have nowhere to play and urge the government to address the situation urgently.
As Fields In Trust releases guidance for planning authorities, developers, planners urban designers and landscape architects in the design of outdoor sport, play and informal op-en space, the Association of Play Industries (API) reveals over half (56%) of parents are unhappy about the lack of high quality play facilities in their local area.
Nearly a quarter (23.4%) say their nearest playground is in a poor state and 22.9% say their children rarely or never play there. Over half (52.4%) see no improvement in local play facilities and 15.1% say they’re getting worse. Nearly four in 10 (38.1%) are worried that playgrounds in their local community may close down altogether.
API Chair Mark Hardy said “The strength of feeling amongst parents that government should be making children’s play a priority is clear, particularly as we face a physical inactivity crisis that threatens to shorten our children’s lives.”
“Children have a fundamental right to play, as enshrined in Article 31 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, and we believe the government is failing to honour its obligations.”
The new FiT guidance has been produced to reflect a new planning policy landscape. Changes to the National Planning Policy Framework (2012), the introduction of The Localism Act (2011) and the phased introduction of the Community Infrastructure Levy all combine to change how local planning operates.
Fields in Trust Chief Executive Helen Griffiths said: “We want everyone in the UK – young or old, able or disables and wherever they live – to have access to free, local outdoor space for sport and play…” ‘